Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ed Schultz reporting from the front lines in Wisconsin

Click here to watch the latest video feed from the Wisconsin war zone where MSNBC's Ed Schultz has been reporting from the front lines all week.   Schultz' dispatches from the front are giving the American people the most accurate account of the Republican/Tea Party war against  unions and the middle class and the courageous resistance of the people of Wisconsin.


  1. I spent quite some time watching all those different video clips on Wisconsin. You know what I think... WE CAN'T VOTE REPUBLICAN UNLESS WE ARE RETIRED MILLIONAIRES!! hahahahaa
    Some people think that Obama is not doing anything. I feel he has done lots to stop/slow/reverse what I was feeling a few years ago... which was spiraling downwards uncontrollably. Now, at least I am stable, not the big turnaround I wished for but at least I am no longer falling. Remember, correcting something that has gone bad is far harder.

  2. Well, I like Obama. But he disappoints me. You are right about how long it's going to take to fix things here, if they can be fixed at all. Right now it looks like the right wingers and the rich are openly trying to destroy the rest of us. But you know me, I get a little wound up about politics. Didn't I tell you a few weeks ago I was all done with politics? Ha ha ha.

  3. Does that mean in a few weeks you will quit politics again? heheheheee

  4. I'm afraid the Republicans and Billionaires running the country into the ground won't let me quit politics for awhile.
