Friday, December 20, 2013

Tattle Tale, Tattle Tale

Here's a song I wrote with Lisa Gundling, a songwriter on the website "Just Plain Folks Music."  

An imaginary arrow 
An imaginary bow 
A boy pulls back the bowstring 
And lets the arrow go 

It flies right out the window 
It flies so straight and true 
But a little girl sees it 
And spills the beans at school 

Tattle tale, tattle tale 
You belong in jail 
We’re gonna hang your britches 
On a rusty nail 

Next day the little boy 
Gets hauled into the office 
The little girl is frowning 
"Yes," she says, "I saw it." 

The little boy denies it 
"What proof is there?" says he 
The little girl just frowns some more 
"Who needs proof?" says she 

Tattle tale, tattle tale 
You belong in jail 
We’re gonna hang your britches 
On a rusty nail 

The parents of the children 
Are called to testify 
And both tell the policeman 
"My child would never lie" 

"Well somebody is lying 
And somebody must pay 
"I have no choice," the sergeant says 
"I'll take them both away" 

Tattle tale, tattle tale 
You belong in jail 
We’re gonna hang your britches 
On a rusty nail 

Tomorrow he'll regret 
Playing make believe at school 
And he won't be quite so quick to break 
Imaginary rules 

Tomorrow she'll be sorry 
For all the trouble she got in 
And if she's learned her lesson well 
She'll never snitch again 

Tattle tale, tattle tale 
You belong in jail 
We’re gonna hang your britches 
On a rusty nail

© Lisa Gundling/Dan Sullivan 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


As I go through this world 
And the troubles pile up 
I remember that Jesus 
Once drank from the cup 
He gave everything 
That one man could give 
He died on the Cross 
So sinners might live 

Calvary Road 
Calvary Road 
Our sins were forgiven 
On Calvary Road 

I'm traveling through 
A world full of lies 
It seems like the truth 
Is always disguised 
Can't even believe 
What you see with your eyes 
Cross my heart 
And hope to die 

Calvary Road 
Calvary Road 
Our sins were forgiven 
On Calvary Road 

I'm searching for truth 
On Calvary Road 
More than a man 
Walked here I am told 
He carried a promise 
More precious than gold 
He gave us Salvation 
On Calvary Road 

Calvary Road 
Calvary Road 
Our sins were forgiven 
On Calvary Road
Dan Sullivan