Who came up with the slogan Right to Work
The phrase first appeared in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Constitution. It was adopted in December, 1936. You can find it in Article 118, which states, " Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the RIGHT TO WORK, that is, are guaranteed the right to employment and payment for their work in accordance with its quantity and quality."
So you gotta ask yourself this: Why are supporters of Right to Work laws using the language of Soviet propaganda to sell their anti-union laws? And why don't they want you to know about it?
George Orwell knew the answer. You can find it in his classic novel, "1984."
Until the media and the public recognizes propaganda and denounces it when political organizations masquerading as public interest groups use it to further their hidden agendas, our nation will remain under the power of ruthless men willing to use every means of deceit available to achieve their nefarious ends.
As long as a mind is blinded by propaganda of any stripe, it can never truly be free.